Monday, September 2, 2024

My Top Five ways of Gaining Infomation!

In the Information age, we all gain knowledge and information in different ways. Some stick to traditional media like radio or the newspapers, some watch television, while others use the internet. There really is no bad way to get information per se. Is that information always accurate? No, but it's a good way to learn about the world and start asking questions. As long as you don't take it at face value, of course... These are my top five ways that I gain information:

 My number one score for information is on YouTube. I use it daily for entertainment and world news. For entertainment, I generally just stick gaming videos on movie videos for fun, but as for news... I watch many things. Sometimes, it's a podcast about people's opinions of a current event; sometimes, it is a mostly neutral, independent journalist telling me about conflicts all over the world; and other times, it's just political commentary. Regardless, I use these sources and a lunch pad in my own research about the very same topic they                                                                                           discuss. 

My Father: My Father is probably the second way I get information about the world in which we live. He keeps his ears to the ground and tells me all sorts of things. I really appreciate this because it is a great time to bond. I get to learn about all of his conspiracy theories and who's going to try to overthrow the government this time. It creates really deep convos.

Instagram: I am not really the most confident in Instagram's ability to tell me truthful, accurate information. I am afraid if I did watch anything news-related on the app, I would be susceptible to getting stuck in an echo chamber, hearing the same viewpoint over and over until my brain turns to mush and I lose the ability to think for myself. For this reason I mainly just watch music reals or just see what my friends post. Sometimes, my father does send me political videos, but I don't really engage too much with them since I want to avoid giving the algorithm any information on my politics.

Local News Stations: I go to these mainly to verify what I learned from other sources (like YouTube) and confirm if what I saw was based on fact.
 I like to flip-flop from source to source, sometimes Fox News and other times CNN, just so I can get a full scope of the issue.

Word of Mouth:
Lastly, I use the people around me. I love to talk, and sometimes I want to learn what other people's thoughts on current events are; sometimes, they even teach me a thing or two. I am, however, afraid to have those conversations with just anyone... Nowadays, people seem to be very defensive in their beliefs, thinking that anyone who has "wrong think" is the enemy. Personally, I can't stand people like that. I think the free exchange of information is one of the best parts of our country, and it's a shame that some people refuse to be open to it. 

 Overall, I feel I get my information from a load of different sources. I am always looking for new ways to gain knowledge; if you have any ideas, please feel free to leave a comment on this blog! Maybe even tell me where you get your information. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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