Monday, September 2, 2024

The Supreme Court

Today, I was tasked by my professor to watch two videos concerning the Supreme Court. Both videos were fascinating; they were split into two parts, Part 1 and Part 2. They were two halves taken from a documentary made many moons ago. I learned a lot about the inner workings of the court. For example, I did not know there were whole staff dedicated to each Justice. I thought that was a very interesting tidbit. I think one of the most important facts the video illuminated was how much deliberation each case gets given before the Court makes a final decision. It can take months and many essays that are up to 80 pages
each before they decide. I think it's a beautiful thing, and with dedication like that, I see why the American people have faith in them to hold so much power. They are very transparent. This video never really changed my thoughts on the Supreme Court, but it certainly emboldened the thoughts I had already. I always had respect and the utmost faith in this particular cog in the machine that is our government. I encourage all who read this to watch the videos for yourself; please tell me your thoughts and how you think about the Supreme Court. Is it doing a good job? If so, please tell me how! Or if it's not, tell me how as well. I look forward to reading the comments. 

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